The city of belvedere is located on the north eastern side of Sausalito in Marin County, just a few miles from San Francisco. Its very name spells opulence, class and refined luxury that few other towns in the country can boast of. The city, literally, means a beautiful view and needless to say lives up to it cent per cent. Such is its allure and charm that the gorgeous city of belvedere has become home for some of the most afluential families in the state of California.  The city has also made its mark by positioning itself as one of the highest income cities in the entire country.
One thing that has the entire nation hooked onto the place and singing its praises is its architecture. Most of the buildings that grace the area have a stamp of Victorian style structural design. The entire scenery of the city is dotted with really impressive houses which lend an air of great style, warmth and class to it. The second most famous aspect to the city is the array of views and sights it has to offer! At belvedere you can gaze across to the golden gate bridge, the entire bay area, San Francisco and mount Tamalpais.  The dazzling views are sure to leave you thrilled and begging for more.

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